Tuesday, May 24, 2011

07-10: Error with survey migration

There is the following known issue for 07-10 migration:
The “Allow multiple responses” option of survey is not preserved during migration and is always “No”.

It may cause the following issue during a survey migration: 
The property or field has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested.

If you look into log file for migration job you notice the following message as a Warning:
You are not allowed to respond again to this survey. 

The error occurs if there is a response created by a user that could not be resolved on target server. 
In this case MMSP service account is left as author of the response. When MM tries to create next responses, the "You are not allowed to respond again to this survey" error occurs.

How to fix: 
1. Pre-create targte syrvey with the "Allow multiple responses" option set to "Yes". 
2. Switch the "Allow multiple responses" option to "Yes" for the source survey while you perform the migration.

MMSP is unable to set the "Allow multiple responses" option to "Yes" during migration.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

03-07/10 and 07-10: Links are not processed during migration.

Migration Manager does not process links during migration. So, you need to change URLs manually when migration completes.

How it works:
Links are stored in database as a relative URL. If during migration the URL hierarchy is changed the link is broken.

If only the host part of the URL is changed, the URL will work, but it's description stay the same as it was on source site.

For example:

Source site has a list with the "Hyperlink or Picture" field type. And there is the following item:

When you perform migration of the http://ksps:81 site to a new target site collection with the http://kmoss/sites/OldRoot URL, the list has the following list item:
 When a user tries to open the URL he sees error message, because the document has the http://kmoss/sites/OldRoot/Shared Documents/How it works.doc
URL now, but the /sites/OldRoot part is not in the link.

If you migrate the http://ksps:81 site as a new root site collection (http://kmoss) (i.e. web application name is changed only), the link will work. In this case the link description stays original.

03-07/10: Unable to update the information in the Microsoft Office document

The following error might occur for a document during 2003-2007 migration:
Unable to update the information in the Microsoft Office document *.*

How to fix:
The error occurs for documents that were created with a third-part tool. There is the following article where the error discussed.

The solution is:  
Open the document with the corresponding Microsoft Office application and save it back to the document library. This should help to migrate the document without issues.
Note: If the versioning is enabled for the document library you need do delete all previous versions of the document.

It is not MMSP issue.
If you download the file from source and then upload it to target manually and try to modify it's properties you receive the same error message:

Friday, May 6, 2011

"File not found" error when you open target site.


The migration completed successfully with no errors, but when you try to open the target site you receive the File Not Found error:

 The problem is that the master page of the target site (e.g. default.aspx) points to the wrong page layout. This happens because it links to a layout which does not exist in the target site collection. Usually it happens when master page is inherited from the parent site but you migrate the child site only.

You have http://source/test sub-site whose default.aspx page is linked to a custom master page “Custom.master” located in the top level site.
The target site collection (http://target) does not have the "Custom.master" page. When you migrate the sub-site under the target site collection, you receive the error when open the target site. 
You should copy master page from source to the target manually using SharePoint Designer.

To find out which master page is used:
  1. Open the migrated target sub-site in SharePoint Designer.
  2. Open default.aspx. The master page relative URL is written in the top level corner:

    Note: The URL above means that the master page is located in the site collection master page gallery.

    To copy the master page:
    1. Open the source site collection (http://source) in SharePoint Designer and move to the _catalogs/masterpage
    2.  Copy the Custom.master page
    3.  Open th target site collection in SharePoint Designer and copy the master page to the _catalogs/masterpage

    When the master page is copied you can successfully access target site.