Tuesday, March 22, 2011

03-07/03-10: How to migrate Survey with all responses

Migration Manager preserves settings for the Survey lists. The “Allowed multiple responses” option which may cause issues with migration of survey responses. If some responses have been made by users that do not exist in AD anymore MM replaces the user account to the MM target service account. In this case all the further responses cannot be created and you see the “You are not allowed to respond again to this survey” error.
MM has a configurable option for Survey list migration.
User can define how to migrate the "Allowed multiple responses" option

To adjust the option:

  1. Open the "Quest Software\Migration Manager for SharePoint\SpringConfigs\Migrators.xml" file and locate the following line:
    <property name="AllowMultiResponsesForSurvey" value="Default" />
  2.  Set required value for this property.
    The possible values are:
    AlwaysOn - the "Allowed multiple responses" option always set to Yes on the target site (for all migration jobs)
    AlwaysOff - the "Allowed multiple responses" option always set to No on the target site (for all migration jobs)
    Default - the "Allowed multiple responses" option set as it was in the source site.

    To migrate all responses you should set the option to AlwaysOn.
  3. Re-migrate the required surveys (i.e. delete the target survey and create a new job) or you re-migrate the whole site.

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